
There is no getting away from it, on-page technical SEO plays a huge role in the success of a website’s ranking positions. After all, it is widely believed that search engines such as Google look at over 200 different elements to decide on where to rank an individual page.

With so much at stake it is highly important to be on point. Otherwise you are likely to be compromising your ability to rank highly in the search engines results pages (SERP’s). Which can only mean giving business away to the competition. 

If you want to improve your standing in Google and the other search engines then our post on “What Is On-Page Technical SEO & Why Does It Matter?” is definitely for you. Read on to learn more… 

What Is On-Page Technical SEO & Why Does It Matter - From Spark Digital

On-Page Technical SEO - The Definition

On-page technical SEO refers to the optimisation of individual web pages. It is this optimisation that is deemed to improve their overall position in the SERP’s. While at the same time improving the visitor or user-experience. 

As we said earlier, there are over 200 factors that search engines take into consideration when looking at the bigger technical SEO picture.

Getting this right is crucial for giving your website the very best of chances to rank against your competitors’ sites.

What Can Go Wrong?

This form of SEO is complex and quite often leads to mistakes being made. Technical SEO takes time and resources to carry out properly.

However, often shortcuts are taken. Which as you can imagine, don’t lead to the desired results.

Search engines become confused about the structure of a website, this results in them not having the ‘confidence’ to show them in the ranking results.

Or other times, pages are withheld from the index, no matter how valuable your content might be. When this happens you are losing opportunities to showcase your goods and services, leading to loss of potential revenue.

If your pages load slowly then your visitors get frustrated. Likely they will leave your site and head over to one of your competitors. Again, lost business for you.

How Search Engines Get Their Information

The fastest way to get Google to ‘find’ your content is to submit it via the Google Search Console (GSC). This free platform allows you to also monitor other key elements of your website’s health.

Simply copy and paste your full URL into the ‘inspect any URL’ section and Google will do the rest. 

Within a relatively short period of time, Google will send it’s spiders / robots to dissect through the information you have submitted,as below:

How Search Engines Get Their Information - From Spark Digital

What Makes Up On-Page Technical SEO?

Here is a selection of what we would consider to be the most important elements of on-page technical SEO:

#1 Page Loading Speed

Faster loading web pages provide the visitor with an improved user-experience and as such is a ranking factor for search engines.

Pages that are slow to load invariably lead to a higher bounce rate and loss of new business opportunities.

#2 Mobile Friendliness

Most users will arrive at a web page via their smartphone. Depending on the industry it can be as high as 70% of the overall traffic.

As a direct result of this, search engines (especially Google) places priority over mobile-friendly sites in their search engine rankings.

#3 Site Structure

As a site grows the challenge is to make it easy for the search engines to find the information.

The layout or structure of a site is hugely important, as it enables the crawlers to find relevant pages. Those pages that are hidden away and cant be found cannot therefore be indexed.

#4 URL Usage

Adopting a clean and descriptive URL structure is not only friendly to visitors but also provides the search engines with triggers to understand the content of that page.

Best practice is to avoid long or complicated URLs wherever possible.

#5 Title Tags

Your page title tag is the single most important element in helping Google to understand what your page is about.

Each page should have a unique title, so as not to try to compete with other pages you have on your site.

#6 Meta Description

Although no longer (for Google) a ranking factor, your meta description plays an important role in the SERPs.

Users make a very quick decision on which sites to click on. This decision is influenced by the information they read in your meta description.

#7 Heading Tags

Structuring your page correctly will include the usage of sub-headings.

These H1, H2, etc tags are very useful to both search engines and visitors alike as they make it easier to understand the important elements of your page.

#8 Image Optimisation

Properly optimised images load faster, fact.

Best practice is to upload the correct size of image and ensure that it is compressed (reduction of un-essential data). Tools like https://tinypng.com/ are great for this.

You should also ensure that each image has relevant ‘alt’ text attached to it – as this helps your images to become indexed and can drive additional traffic to your site.

#9 Schema Markup Data

Take the opportunity to go further with your content and help the search engines to learn more about it by utilising structured data markup.

www.schema.org will provide Google with added context about your content.

When carried out correctly can lead to richer search results being triggered, with your content being found in feature snippet sections like “People Also Ask”.

#10 High Quality Content

You should always be looking to deliver the highest possible content quality to your visitors. Failing to do so is not only damaging to your SEO efforts but will also put potential new customers off of doing business with you.

An over reliance on AI, especially ChatGPT is dangerous territory. Ideally, content that you provide on your website should be based around your own personal perspective. This creates more credibility and ultimately trust in your brand.


#11 Keyword / Search Term Optimisation

Keywords are still hugely relevant in helping search engines to understand your content.

However, avoid the pull of keyword stuffing. Better still, focus on providing valuable content to your visitors and you will be rewarded.

#12 Internal Linking

Linking to related pages within your website structure is a super way of helping both visitors and search engines to navigate around your site.

You can steer the user to relevant content which will likely ensure they stay on your website longer.

An increase in ‘dwell time’ is definitely a cool metric in Google Analytics to be focusing upon.


Installing an SSL certificate will ensure that your website is seen as secure by both its users and the search engines.

This means that they are confident that you have taken steps to protect their data, which builds trust with your visitors.

On the other hand, an unsecure site is seen as risky to visit. Often you will see a warning from Google, suggesting that this could lead to visiting a harmful website.


On-Page Technical SEO - The Wrap Up

If you have reached this point then we are pretty sure you have a good idea about the importance of on-page technical SEO.

Many SEO’s will actually go as far as confirming that what you do for on-page is of more importance than other elements, such as off-page SEO.

We 100% concur with this thought process and ensure that it is the back-bone of our local SEO services.

You see, when it’s done right it plays a vital role in helping your website to become visible in the search results. It enhances the experience your users receive, which in itself increases the opportunity for conversion.

By improving your on-page technical SEO you are in a position to increase the chances of attracting organic visitors to your website. And, ultimately gaining more customers and revenue.

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