The Differences Between Short Tail & Long Tail Search Terms6 min read
The article discusses the difference between short and long tail search terms and why they should be used. It covers user intent and locale in a complex matter. Read on for more information.The article discusses the difference between short and long tail search terms and why they should be used. It covers user intent and locale in a complex matter. Read on for more information.

What To Expect From Local SEO in 20233 min read
Local SEO is important for businesses to improve visibility and attract customers from their local area. Investing in local SEO services can lead to various outcomes. Learn more in this blog post.

8 Amazing Local SEO Stats in 20235 min read
COVID has led to a shift towards local purchases. A robust local marketing strategy is necessary for businesses serving local populations. Must-know Local SEO stats for 2023 have been compiled. Read on for more.

Local SEO: Boost Your Business with Targeted Strategies6 min read
Optimising your online presence can increase exposure to localised searchers and bring in more business. This blog post explains how to influence localised search to make it easier for ready-to-spend searchers to find your business online. Growing a business is tough due to competition. Read on to learn more.

DesignRush Recognise Spark Digital As Top UK SEO Agency2 min read
Spark Digital has been recognized as one of the Top 30 SEO Agencies in the UK by DesignRush. DesignRush is a successful B2B marketplace connecting brands with agencies, with close to 300,000 monthly visitors. It offers a range of digital niche services and directs 50,000 clicks to agency partner websites each month. Spark Digital is a DesignRush Partner.
The Differences Between Short Tail & Long Tail Search Terms6 min read
The article discusses the difference between short and long tail search terms and why they should be used. It covers user intent and locale in a complex matter. Read on for more information.The article discusses the difference between short and long tail search terms and why they should be used. It covers user intent and locale in a complex matter. Read on for more information.
What To Expect From Local SEO in 20233 min read
Local SEO is important for businesses to improve visibility and attract customers from their local area. Investing in local SEO services can lead to various outcomes. Learn more in this blog post.
8 Amazing Local SEO Stats in 20235 min read
COVID has led to a shift towards local purchases. A robust local marketing strategy is necessary for businesses serving local populations. Must-know Local SEO stats for 2023 have been compiled. Read on for more.
Local SEO: Boost Your Business with Targeted Strategies6 min read
Optimising your online presence can increase exposure to localised searchers and bring in more business. This blog post explains how to influence localised search to make it easier for ready-to-spend searchers to find your business online. Growing a business is tough due to competition. Read on to learn more.
DesignRush Recognise Spark Digital As Top UK SEO Agency2 min read
Spark Digital has been recognized as one of the Top 30 SEO Agencies in the UK by DesignRush. DesignRush is a successful B2B marketplace connecting brands with agencies, with close to 300,000 monthly visitors. It offers a range of digital niche services and directs 50,000 clicks to agency partner websites each month. Spark Digital is a DesignRush Partner.