Business Growth For Roofing Contractors
Do you run a roofing contractor business? You might well be looking for ways of growing your business? Getting more work on a regular basis? Even, possibly expanding your operation at some point in the future?
This article will give you an insight into SEO for roofing contractors. Helping you to understand how to ‘unlock’ the power of search. Complete with essential tips to grow a successful strategy for your roofing business.
So, if you ever thought about searching on Google for anything like the following, then this post applies to you:
- How to get more roofing leads for my business
- Can roofing SEO really work?
- Grow my roofing business without paid ads
- Real customers from roofing leads
If you want your roofing company to rank highly in the search results then you need a robust SEO plan. Here we will cover important topics, integral to your success. These strategies will give you key information that will ensure you are well positioned to outperform your competition.
Is Local SEO Crucial For Roofing Contractors?
Let’s try to understand the significance of search engine optimisation (SEO) to roofing firms.
Proper use of search engine optimisation raises the profile of a website to be shown in the top positions of the search engine results pages (SERPs). This occurs when a user is looking for information based around your service, in the locality that you operate.
The overwhelming majority of users choose Google when looking for local companies that offer the services that they require. If they aren’t sure of which company to use then they are going to carry out an organic search to find one.
Typically they will be using phrases that include:
- Roofing contractor near me
- Roofing contractor in XXX location
- Recommended roofing contractors near me
- Local roofing company
In most cases the user will click on one of the top 4 organic search results. Data from various sources including; Moz, Ahrefs, Backlinko and others suggest that as many as 62% of all searches will click on one of these top 4 positions.
Here’s the breakdown, as shown on the (updated for 2023) page:
- #1 27.6%
- #2 15.8%
- #3 11.0%
- #4 8.4%
If your business isn’t shown in the higher positions of Google’s results then you are likely to be missing out on business. Business that goes to your competitors. Assuming they do a good job then they are also inline to receive the repeat business as well as any recommendations that might come.
Now you can see that SEO can play a crucial part in helping roofing companies to grow.
What Can Roofing Contractors Gain From SEO?
When a user carries out an organic search they are putting their trust in Google to deliver the best results possible. A percentage of this trust is then passed on to websites that they choose to visit.
The psychology of search means that the higher the results, the more trust that is given. It’s pretty much as simple as that.
SEO and in particular local SEO has rapidly emerged as one of the most cost effective marketing methods for contractor type businesses. The rationale behind this is the high value of visitors that you will benefit from once you achieve top positions visibility.
These visitors are often referred to as ‘ready to spend customers’. Without exaggeration, these visitors are highly qualified, having searched specifically for the service that you offer, and in your local area too.
With SEO for roofing contractors your business will now be accessible to potential new clients, at the beginning of their search journey.
Statistics suggest that around 12% of all visitors will lead to an enquiry, either making a call or using your contact form. Professional services providers like roofing contractors can enjoy significantly lower customer acquisition cost than non SEO active business owners.
Here’s a simple breakdown of what this might look like:

What would £14,000 extra revenue look like to your business?
Be sure to check out our case study on how we helped Greg to grow his roofing business!
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Leveraging Your Google Business Profile
This free to use tool is an important hub for showcasing your business. It allows you to develop a profile that demonstrates to potential new customers that you are relevant to them.
You will be populating information such as:
- Business name, address and phone number
- Website
- Opening hours
- Service radius
- Informational / promotional posts
- Customer reviews and feedback
As you can see, your Google business profile contains essential information that potential new customers are going to find very useful.
Read our post around NAP consistency, and why it is critical for business owners to get right.
Addressing The Misconceptions Of Keyword Research
Most business owners assume that they should only target the highest volume search terms. Often this strategy brings about its own flaws, denying the operator from being found for other hugely relevant terms.
Keyword research plays a vital role in ensuring that you are ‘covering all the relevant’ bases for being found in the results pages. However, just simply opting to cover the highest searches leaves you in danger of underexposure.
The reality is that people search in a variety of different ways. For example, if you asked a room of 30 people to search for roofing services you might very well see 20+ variations of the search.
Lower keyword saturation will often allow you to become visible for a term without facing the levels of competition that high keyword saturation brings. Furthermore, these phrases are often more financially valuable to website owners as they nearly always lead to a higher conversion rate.
Read more about the difference between short tail and long tail keywords here.
The challenge then becomes attracting a higher quality of website visitor, rather than a higher volume.
Understanding Mobile Device Usage
Mobile search increases year on year, especially in the services industries.
You need to understand that close to 70% of your potential new customers are going to be conducting their search via a mobile device. This means that you need to ensure you deliver a quality experience, based on that device platform.
Think about the following aspects:
- Loading speed
- Ease of use
- Information provide
- Ease of action
Does your site meet those challenges? Is it obvious what a new visitor needs to do? Does it provide them with an easy way to contact you?
Sadly, a great many mobile sites fall down when it comes to these questions. Often a website developer builds out a great looking desktop site and then forgets to consider that most of the traffic comes via mobile.
Do they need to see exactly the same information that a desktop user does? Is it easy to digest this information? What are the users’ goals? Does the website deliver on these goals?
Creating a fast, mobile friendly, fit for purpose website is easier said than done. However, you need to remember that mobile users have less patience than their desktop counterparts. They won’t stick around if it’s hard to use, even worse if it’s slow too.
We have put a post together that covers the impact of page loading speed on SEO, feel free to check it out.
Stay Google Friendly
Of course there are other search engines; however, the majority of your search traffic is going to come from the big G. It is therefore important to stick to Google’s best practices.
Don’t try to trick the search engine into providing you with short term gains. These get found out and when they do your site will drop like a stone.
In addition, never ever try to circumvent the ranking process by purchasing back links. This is a quick-fire way to pick up a manual penalty from Google. Good luck in recovering from that one!
If you are a roofing contractor who wants to improve the standing of your website in Google then there are plenty of legitimate ways to go about it.

Hop over to Google’s page which tells you exactly what they deem to be best practice and what they don’t like.
Updating Your Site Regularly
Search engines love it when you add fresh content to your site. With the caveat that this content provides value to your audience.
Using a blog strategy can really pay dividends. It’s one of the most effective ways to deliver information to your visitors. Content can include:
- Case studies
- Projects
- Industry updates
- Customer centric solutions
- Guides
Committing to regular posts is a recognised way of gaining as many as 67% more leads than other non-blogging contractor sites.
Google buys into these updates, which in-turn helps to propel your site higher in the rankings.
Well written SEO based content allows you to link internally to other relevant pages on your site. Something that benefits both users and search engines alike.
Each time you upload these individual content pieces you are helping to ensure that your site gains more authority. Google shows its approval by continually pushing your site towards the top positions.
Plus, the biggest take-away here is that the people who are searching exactly for the services will be able to see you are a genuine business.
When they land on your page they will see information that compells them to make some form of enquiry.
The Wrap Up - SEO For Roofing Contractors
As we have alluded to, SEO is one of the best marketing strategies for roofing companies to carry out. Whether you choose to do it yourself, or partner with an agency, the choice is yours.
People prefer to search locally for service providers. Being part of the results that they see will help your business to grow. Businesses that achieve top 4 positions are exposed to the lion’s share of all intent based searches.
Our example in this post suggested a closing rate of just 3 out of 10, and that produced an increased revenue of £14,000 from only a couple of hundred website visits. Imagine what your business could do with even more website visitors or a better closing rate?
Ignore SEO at your peril. Yes, you can say “it’s too expensive”, or “it doesn’t work”, but all you are really doing is helping your competitors to continue to grow. At your own expense!
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